导师类别 硕导
性 别
出生年月 1984年10月
联系电话 18780573558(微信同号)
Email zwphys@gmail.com/zwphys@swust.edu.cn.com

张伟,安徽池州人,九三学社社员,数理学院教授,西南科技大学研究生院副院长。主要科研方向为极端条件下物质特性的理论和实验研究以及新型功能材料(光电、热电、超硬等)的理论设计和模拟。,在Physical Review Letter、Physical Review B、Applied Physics Letter等国际著名期刊发表SCI收录论文二十余篇,主持和主研国家级项目五项,主研省部级项目两项。教学方面一直致力于大学物理公共基础课的教学工作,曾荣获西南科技大学第十届青年教师比赛一等奖、第一届课程思政讲课比赛一等奖和四川省第四届青年教师讲课比赛二等奖、第二届普通本科高校教师教学创新大赛获三等奖。作为课程负责人申报的大学物理课程获批四川省“课程思政”示范课程和线上线下混合式一流课程。


2022.12-至今, 西南科技大学数理学院 教授;西南科技大学研究生院副院长

2016.12-2022.12, 西南科技大学, 理学院, 副教授

2011.7-2016.12, 西南科技大学, 理学院, 讲师

2013.9-2017.9, 中国工程物理研究院, 博士后, 合作导师: 蔡灵仓



2011年 博士毕业于四川大学(硕博连读), 专业:凝聚态物理, 博士, 导师: 高洁院士













(2)温稠密氦氖混合物的热力学性质、相变和输运性质的理论模拟研究,26万元,2019/1-2021/12 ,国家级,11804284,主持

(3)氦及氦氙混合气体的物性参数研究,2020/09-2021/09, 横向项目,35万元,21zh0196,主持

(4)高温高压下Na、Ba掺杂硅基笼状化合物性质的第一性原理研究,5万元, 2014/1-2014/12,国家级,11347134,主持

(5)冲击压缩下镁合金热力学响应、光学性质及电磁辐射特性的理论研究,8万元,地市级,2018/1-2018/12,18zd3112 ,主持

(6)2017年龙山学术人才科研支持计划(学术骨干),4万元,校级,17LZX513, 主持

(7)2018年龙山学术人才科研支持计划(学术骨干),4万元, 校级,18lzx530, 主持





(1) 张瀚宇,张晓强,张伟*,邱荣,基于激光诱导击穿光谱的大米Cr元素检测,原子与分子物理学报,2022,40:043001
(2) 张伟,王兴宇,付志坚,刘蕾,李治国,温稠密氦的状态方程、热输运性质和辐射不透明度的理论研究,原子与分子物理学报,2022,40:053001
(3) Zhang Wei, et. al. Pressure-Induced Phase Transition and Compression Properties of HfO2 Nanocrystals,Inorganic Chemistry, 2022,61:8.
(4) Zhang Wei, et. al.The anisotropy of hexagonal close-packed iron under inner core conditions: the effect of light elements,Earth and Planetary Physics,2022, 6(4).
(5) Zou Yong Tao, Zhang Wei ,et. al.Thermally Induced Anomaly in the Shear Behavior of Magnetite at High Pressure, Physical Review Applied,2018,10:024009.
(6) Liu Lei., Chen Qi Feng* , Gu Yun. Jun , Zhang Wei* et. al.Measurement of multiple physical parameters of dense gaseous hydrogen-deuterium mixture under double-shock compression: Evaluating theoretical models from multiple views, Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115:231905.
(7)Yong tao Zou , Mu Li, Wei Zhang,et. al. Unraveling microstrain-promoted structural evolution and thermally driven phase transition in Sc2O3 nanocrystals at high pressure,Physical Review B,2020,102:214115.
(8)Zhang Wei et. al.Two-dimensional square-Au2S monolayer: A promising thermoelectric material with ultralow lattice thermal conductivity and high power factor,Chinese Physics B2021, 30: 077405
(9) Guo Jun Li, Zhi Guo Li, Qi Feng Chen, Yun Jun Gu, Wei Zhang,et. al.Multishock to Quasi-Isentropic Compression of Dense Gaseous Deuterium-Helium Mixtures up to 120 GPa: Probing the Sound Velocities Relevant to Planetary Interiors,Physical Review Letters, 2021,126:7
(10) Zhang Wei et. al.,Revisiting metallization boundary of warm dense helium in a wide rho- T regime from ab initio study,Scientific Reports, 2017,(7).
(11) Zhang Wei,et. al.Dynamics Study of Phonon Instability and Thermal Properties of Type-I Clathrate K8Si46;under High Pressure,Materials2016, 9(8).
(12) Zhang Wei,et. al. Influence of missing guest and host atoms on the mechanical and electronic properties of type-I clathrate compound Ba8Si46,Journal of Alloys and Compounds2015, 653, 77.
(13) Zhang Wei et. al. Structural, elastic, and electronic properties of sodium atoms encapsulated type-I silicon–clathrate compound under high pressure,Chinese Physics B2015, 10, 107101.
(14) Zhang Wei et. al. First-principles calculations for thermodynamic properties of type I silicon clathrate intercalated by sodium atoms,Modern Physics Letters B2015,29, 1550166.
(15) Zhang Wei et. al. Elastic and electronic properties of perovskite type superconductor MgCNi3;under pressure,Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter2008,20(32).
(16) Zhang Wei et. al.;Electronic properties of a quantum dot formed by the potentials associated with the surface acoustic wave and constrictions,European Physical Journal B2011,79, 351.
(17) Zhang Wei et. al.;Structural, thermodynamic and electronic properties of zinc-blende AlN from;first-principles calculations,Chinese Physics B2009,18,1207.
(18) Zhang Wei et. al.;Transport properties of surface acoustic wave based single electron transport device in the presence of an impurity potential,Solid State Communications2009, 149, 2228.
(19) Zhang Wei, et.;al.;First-principles calculations for thermodynamic properties of perovskite-type superconductor MgCNi3,Chinese Physics Letters2008,25, 2603.
(20) Zhang Wei et. al.;Electronic and Optical Properties of Rock-Salt AlN under High Pressure via First-Principles Analysis,Communications in Theoretical Physics2008,50, 990.
(21)ZouYong Tao , Zhang Wei, et. al., Pressure-induced anomalies and structural instability in compressed β-Sb2O3.[J].;Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Pccp, 2018.;20, 11430-11436






  (4)  荣获第二届四川省创新教学大赛三等奖